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Social Media and Print Advertising

By 06/07/2015February 25th, 2016Full Fat Blog, Print Tips & Marketing Ideas


While it’s imperative that all of your marketing efforts work together, it can be tricky to properly promote your social media using print advertising. But, done well and your print advertising campaign can drive more visitors to your social media sites. Here are a few tips to help you get it right…

1.       Don’t just print a picture of a button

While icons work brilliantly online because your customers can immediately click on them and be directed straight to your Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest site, the same is clearly not true for print. There is no point in simply printing an icon without some accompanying information such as your URL to show customers how to get there.

2.       Tell me why!

Just letting your potential customers or clients know you’re on social media isn’t enough. You need to tell them why they should take the trouble to go to your social media pages. At the very least include a call to action such as Follow us on Twitter or Like us on Facebook. But, even better tell them that you have special offers or giveaways on your social media pages.

3.       Too much choice?

You may have 101 social media accounts. But asking your potential customers to like or follow you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, You Tube, LinkedIn and Periscope will leave them feeling bewildered. Ask them to visit the one or two social media pages which are most important to your marketing strategy.

4.       Added value

Does your social media page genuinely add value to your customers’ experience? If you aren’t on top of your game when it comes to updating your Twitter or Facebook pages, then there is little point in directing anyone to them.

5.       Make sure QR codes work

In an age when pretty much everyone has a smart phone on them at all times, adding a QR code to your print advertising can be a great way to direct people to your social media immediately. But, do make sure your code is the right size to be picked up by camera and that the paper you’ve chosen isn’t so glossy that it adds a reflective sheen, making the QR code impossible to scan.

6.       Don’t miss it off completely

It may seem easier to simply concentrate on your print message and miss off any mention of social media altogether. But, if you do that, potential clients immediately get the impression that your company is stuck in the past. If you’re not up-to-date when it comes to social media, what else are you behind-the-times with?

7.       #hashtag campaign

Use your print work to launch, or promote, a hashtag campaign on social media. Most people are familiar with hashtags so it’s an easy piece of information to include to help them find you easily.

8.       Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to your branding. You want to make sure your logos, company colours and fonts all match up. So, whether your customer is looking at print advertising, your website or social media pages, it’s immediately obvious that they all belong to you.

9.       Try stickers

The founders of news site Reddit credit sticker marketing as the best investment they ever made. If you already have print material, why don’t you add stickers to it when you have special online events on your social media sites such as competitions or Twitter chats.

10.   Use testimonials

Are your customers saying great things about your brand or product on social media? Why not incorporate some of this feedback in your print advertising? If you’re a B&B, do you have 5* reviews on Tripadvisor, for example, or has a customer summed up exactly what you’re about in a Facebook post?

By taking advantages of both social media and print as promotional arenas, and by making sure they work hand-in-hand, you will achieve maximum awareness of your brand and what you do.